

Be part of the solution in helping Queenslanders find a home

Housing and homelessness service providers across Queensland are seeking passionate, skilled people just like you to help them deliver safe and sustainable housing solutions for everyone.

These organisations and their rewarding career pathway opportunities are diverse and dynamic, and include paid employment, volunteer roles, and student work placements – across corporate, not-for-profit and government organisations.

A selection of housing and homelessness service providers from across Queensland are listed below, allowing you to explore the kinds of organisations, career streams and work types that exist in our sector. You can view listings by region and discover the possibilities for yourself.

For more information on this section, see our Frequently Asked Questions.

To view current sector job vacancies, we recommend visiting the Seek or Ethical Jobs websites.

Explore organisations in your region

Sharehouse Youth Programs Inc
Blue and White Sharehouse Youth Programs Inc Logo
By providing various accommodation options, programs, case management, support, and advocacy we aim to reduce the number of at-risk young people in the region. At Sharehouse we believe every young person can create their own path in life if they are provided the right opportunity and support. We’re always interested in hearing from people who are passionate about working with young people in the Townsville region.
Central Queensland
Anglicare Central Queensland Blue and Red Logo
Our truly local team of professionals have worked with people in Central Queensland for over 40 years to support them in living their best life. AnglicareCQ is a not-for-profit, purpose-driven organisation – and we give effect to that purpose through our staff. We endeavour to make the most ordinary things extraordinary – simply by doing them with the right people.
Zig Zag is a housing and sexual violence support service for young women and gender diverse young people aged 12-25 in the wider Brisbane region. Zig Zag provides a place of healing, support, and social action and change, with services including counselling, information, case management, advocacy, brief intervention and group work.
Mission Australia
Mission Australia Logo
Mission Australia delivers a range of wraparound services for vulnerable people, including homelessness crisis and prevention services, social and affordable housing, assistance for families and children, and support services for people with mental health and substance use challenges.
North East Community Support Group Inc
South-East Queensland
NECSG auspices Zillmere Community Centre, Zillmere Young Peoples Support Services and Zillmere Family Accommodation Program. Providing quality community support programs, services and activities targeted to alleviate poverty, homelessness, distress, disability, isolation and unemployment.
Community Housing Limited
South-East Queensland
A leading not-for-profit organisation dedicated to making a positive impact in the housing sector. Committed to addressing housing issues and supporting vulnerable populations by offering affordable and sustainable housing solutions to individuals and families in need.

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